It's only a page.
Dear visitor,
Thank you for your attention; it's always exciting to me when my friends and strangers can just read my words from anywhere almost instantly.
You won't find much here. And by that I mean that you won't find much stuff that most people were not already taking for granted. This page is quite literally just that, a page. I spent time making it look like a sheet of paper. When you attempt the brave art of making things, you'll be forced to notice details well. If you don't, the gap between the concept and the thing will enlarge.
In the case of this page, I made it using a little bit more than HTML, yet it took me a few hours. Granted, I typed almost every character myself and I did not use artificial intelligence in the process. I see activities like that one as mental exercises to avoid taking things for granted.
Minds, our only vehicles for self-awareness, default to assuming rather than thinking or admiring. And while our DNA did not give us great ideas per se and made it such that we lose our child-like wonder as we grow, it gave us the capacity to learn; you can learn how to marvel and think well. A big part of it is noticing and then letting others know, great artists do that all the time.
This text you are reading; the language you learned and exploit to parse these words; the beams of red, green, and yellow visible light emitted to your eyes through efficient diodes that convey you information... These were designed. And the designers who did it are, for the most part, just like you.
Whether you think of yourself as an artist or not, I encourage you to live your life like one: noticing. The pencil graphite cracking as you scribe, the soothing feelings as you hug loved ones, and the story behind many concepts that, together, gave birth to beautiful things.
Notice the everything and the nothing; life is better when you do that.
Even when it's only a page.